8lbs 12 oz
23 inches
Everything went smooth (for the most part). Having a baby in Ireland was different, but not that bad. There are set visiting hours, even for fathers. Most mothers get placed in a shared room, we got lucky and got a private one. In the US there are all kinds of tests done before and after, but we had hardly any apart from pulse checking and blood pressure. The philosophy here is ‘nature knows what it’s doing, things will happen as they will’. We arrived at the hospital at 1am Wed morning. Went into the labor delivery room at noon that day. Tried to get an epidural but didn’t make it in time (the midwives were pretty slow and cautious). This was my first natural birth, I was able to use nitric oxide and it really helped with the pain. The birth was beautiful and wonderful. It was fun to be surprised about the sex. Parents rarely find out the sex in Ireland. I didn’t actually mind not having the epidural and in some ways it was better without it. The biggest annoyance was that Pat couldn’t be with me at certain times of the day. He wasn’t supposed to be with me after 8:30pm last night, but he snuck in and supported/helped me all night, he got scolded in the morning. . .Oh well. This morning, the doctor visited us and gave the okay to leave anytime and so we packed up and left for home at noon today (36 hrs in the hospital). We’re all doing great. The last time one of Pat's family members was born in Ireland was in 1840. It feels good to have an Irish baby.
CONGRATS you guys!!!! We are so excited for you! He is perfect, and Austin is a great name!
Wow! Congratulations you guys! He is BEAUTIFUL! You guys just have a gift for making beautiful babies. Seriously, I thought newborns weren't supposed to look that good!
That's crazy that they hardly did any tests and that Pat had strict visiting hours! I'm glad he snuck in! I would hope Taber would do the same ; )
We didn't have time for an epidural with Brinley and even though it was really intense I do feel like it was a much better recovery and I'm glad I had the experience. I'm so glad things went smoothly and that you got to be surprised by the gender of your little Irish baby : ) Wish we could be there to hold him!
Hooray for another Brady baby!!! He is absolutely beautiful! I love his name too. Stephanie, you look gorgeous even in a lovely hospital gown. Congratulations to you and Pat!!!!
Congratulations on your newest addition! He is simply precious! I can see some of Samee in him....such a cute face. I love hearing birth stories. Thanks for sharing your Irish birth experience!
Congrats, beautiful little one. And glad to see Pat's got the same respect for rules in the international arena that he had back in the MBA program. Living on the edge.
Congratulations!! He's a lucky boy. Glad everything went smoothly for you.
Congrats!!! He is a handsome little man! I did three natural births, although none of mine lasted more than 7 hours (my first, the other two were 45 minutes). It really sucks when your hubby can't be with you, Vic wasn't allowed to stay at night in Germany either. It's really lonely, so it's worth getting chewed out by nurses the next morning...good for him for staying! Miss ya tons! Congrats again!
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